Find out how a professional answering service can benefit you and your business.
If you’ve ever given a friend or relative their first personal computer, smartphone, tablet or any other innovative device, one of the first things they say after receiving their gift is, “how do I use it?”
Customers may have different reasons for calling a company more than once, but a live answering service can be ready to guide concerned callers through however many steps it takes.
Our federal government will soon be taking more aggressive actions in enforcing the laws of HIPAA / HITECH. These two laws were implemented with the goal of protecting private health information in an age that’s increasingly becoming more electronic and mobile in terms of communication. This article is a sign of the “crackdown” soon to…
Mobile messaging services could be a wise decision for companies, both now and as newer possibilities arise.
A company’s live answering service should take pains to guarantee that it isn’t sending callers on a wild goose chase.
Through the use of well-deployed email management, companies can retain customers and calm fears of identity theft.
Businesses should be aware of the potential risks involved in customer service calls and the importance of hiring well-trained staff.
Some clients still prefer access to a live call center employee, and internet businesses ignore this fact at their own peril.
According to a recent survey by KLAS Research, about half of the 249 providers interviewed used third-party order sets for reference only because they couldn’t integrate the pre-built order sets with their EHRs.
Walmart is one of many retail outlets that is beginning to use self-service kiosks as a way to offer more customer convenience and choice.