Find out how a professional answering service can benefit you and your business.
Real estate agents are always on the go! Edwards answers the call with a virtual assistant for real estate agents and offices. Our professional staff can learn the exact script you want your business phones answered with. Not only can our services potentially help increase sales conversions because calls won’t hit a voice mail system, but…
By partnering your business with a 24 7 answering service you can always keep your company open without incurring the high costs associated with staying open all night. Not only is Edwards Answering Service open 24/7, but we literally never close. No matter the weather or holiday season, our professionally trained phone operators are working…
Edward’s appointment setting service can help your business manage productivity without the expenses of hiring a new employee. By outsourcing your appointment setting needs, you can free up more time to work on higher priority tasks. Our staff is manned 24 hours a day and can handle small and large-scale projects. This is also a great…
There’s often a strong correlation between how quickly the phone gets answered, to your company’s sales volume. Our virtual receptionist services make it easy to receive calls anywhere you are. It also can give you more control over what calls to take. This can give you more time to handle the new prospects and customers.…
You may be wondering; how should I pick the best answering service! We have been in the answering service industry for over six decades and know some important things to look for. Missing a vital business call can sometimes mean losing out on a sale. Your business phone line needs to be answered quickly and…
In this fast paced world, business owners and managers have to work extra hard to stay ahead of fierce competition. That means making sure the phone is answered professionally every time. Having appointment setting and a live operator streamlined can have a big impact on productivity. Virtual Receptionist Services No Matter Where You Do Your…
Edwards Answering Service: We Want To Help Your Business Succeed! When running a business, any calls from customers – whether existing clients or new prospective ones, they are all very important. All the calls need to be handled promptly and professionally because if your customers have a bad experience and they’re not impressed when they…
Now customers have more choices with our answering service pricing. The expanded pricing offers value saving packages for small volume clients as well as large volume. The bundles are designed to help customers save money on our professional 24 hour telephone answering service. Companies can select a package based on how many phone calls their…
As a business, incoming phone calls from clients and prospective customers are the lifeblood to the company. Live telephone answering can help ensure calls don’t get missed. Sometimes having a valuable sales call go to a voice messaging system can lower conversion rates. When the phone can be answered with a live person, the client can be…
Edward’s offers call center solutions equipped to professionally handle small and large call volumes. Imagine being able to get your vital business calls patched to you live anywhere with a call management system. Envision being able to have your phones answered exactly how you want, without having to be tied down to one location. Edwards can make that…