We’ve said it before: every missed call or prospect pushed off to voicemail is money left on the table by your business. But things are busy, and sometimes, it’s unavoidable.
Or is it?
With the proper help, you can turn each telephone ring into a possible “ka-ching” and boost your company’s bottom line. Here are just four ways outsourcing your telephone customer service can lead to an increase in business.
- Improve productivity: A rested team is a resourceful team. By outsourcing your telephone customer service to a call center, you give your employees a much-needed respite from fielding after-hour calls and concerns, allowing them to return to the office every morning ready, willing, and more than able to pursue leads and generate sales. Tapping into the benefits of an outsourced call center also allows you to free up resources and redirect in-house talent to more immediate, more lucrative tasks.
- Provide instant gratification: Customers who receive an immediate, educated response to their query are far more likely to make an equally swift purchase or commitment with your company. Today’s nonstop world makes transactions around the clock. Giving your callers the power to place an order or schedule an appointment 24/7 helps to ensure their repeat business.
- Seek feedback and take it seriously: It’s a common belief that happy customers keep things to themselves, while disgruntled customers tell everyone about their bad experiences. The latter may very well be true, but callers who have had a positive encounter with your team are often willing to share the news – if they’re prompted. Part of your telephone customer service should include a brief, unobtrusive satisfaction survey after each call. People appreciate the opportunity to speak their minds – to be heard. A post-call survey is a quick, efficient way to cover all of your bases.
- Maximize your office workflows: It’s much easier to make a sale when your office is firing on all cylinders. Thorough and accurate telephone customer service tickets eliminate guesswork and keep you and your team on point via email, text, or web portal. Additionally, customized greetings keep your callers in the know of important information like hours, directions, and any closings – making it easier for them to do business with you.
Edwards Answering Service offers around-the-clock telephone customer service for multiple industries. Our team will help you streamline your office processes and boost your sales. Call 800-606-3273 today to set up a consultation and request a free trial.