When you hire an exceptional answering service like Edwards, you not only relieve your team of endlessly ringing phones, but you also open up a door to all-new office enhancements that will boost your efficiency and morale. Here are the top three:
- Automatic call forwarding: Relieve your in-house team of the thankless, time-consuming task of diving for the phones when there is actual money-making work to be done. Instead, leverage call forwarding solutions to redirect your callers to an answering service whenever personnel is not readily available to man the phone lines. Call forwarding options can be programmed to reroute calls based on a certain number of unanswered rings, when your line is occupied, or at predetermined times of the day. This office enhancement saves face during seasonal spikes in traffic by eliminating the discouraging dead zone of voicemail.
- Customized greetings: Sometimes, though, voicemail is a necessary evil. Keep your clientele in the loop during unexpected closures and cancellations, as well as holidays, vacations, and more using recorded messages that deliver the basics – hours, locations, directions, and more. Your answering service can tailor your greetings so they will help reduce redundant questions, offer cost savings, and maximize your office workflow.
- Comprehensive message tickets: Receive detailed, accurate messages via email, text, web portal or another method of your choice. Most importantly, you determine the level of urgency, with calls that don’t meet your criteria being held until you are ready for them.
Edwards Answering Service delivers 100% personalized and customizable office enhancements to help you maintain continuous communication with your customers. All callers are greeted in prompt, professional manner that is tailored to your unique brand of customer service. Questions? Call us at 800-606-3273 and let us know how we can help.